Once again this week, we’re offering a little bit of this...a little bit of that...a veritable potpourri of the writer’s musings, adventures and other things to waste your valuable time...
Here we go...
Look...up in the sky...it was a bird...nope...it was a plane...nope...Superman? Don’t think so....
Let’s start this week with some football. After all, nothing says football like 90-degree temperatures, with a whole bunch of Southern Illinois humidity thrown in just for the heck of it.
Not all that long ago, back in the Before Times, yours truly looked forward to sitting down on a Saturday...
It was getting late on Monday night. I was getting to the point where I just wanted to turn this week’s column over to some sort of artificial intelligence.
Bob was keeping me company at the time, and I have to say that a cat’s intelligence certainly is not artificial. Just ask one. Besides, he...
No. You are not reading the "back page." The "back page" has to be another page this week. Gotta pay the bills...
Just never know what a walk, or maybe an unplanned journey along a country road, might bring...
Before we get to the topics at hand, I...
Once again this week, we’ll ponder a little bit of this...and a little bit of that...
We sure could use some rain. Last Sunday afternoon, it looked like we had a good shot at some precipitation, at least based on what the weather radar was showing online. However, not a single drop fell on our...
A writer much more famous, and much more talented, than yours truly, once penned a novel titled “The Winter of Our Discontent.” The author’s name was John Steinbeck. Maybe you’ve heard of him. Or maybe you’ve heard of his dog, Charley...
I do not think that “The Winter of Our Discontent” had...
A few musings by an old guy as we look forward to a heat index of 115 degrees...
Just wondering...are posted speed limits, highway signs (like the ones that command “STOP”) and those stripes on the highways just mere suggestions these days?
Our local “weather guy” reported that the heat index at 12...
“Rough, groovy surface” the black letters on the orange, diamond-shaped sign along the highway declared.
A scene from one of my favorite movies came to mind. The scene was in the movie “Field of Dreams.” In the scene, the movie’s main character, played by Kevin Costner, attempts to meet a reclusive...
Ugh...Monday morning...went out to the car...had to scrape frost off the windshield of the car...on the 24th day of April. Guess we might as well look forward to snow flurries on July 4th...
I asked The Other Half Monday night if we had received our invitation to the coronation of...
Did you happen to see the story about the moose that was on the loose up north? As in Alaska.
Specifically, the moose was on the loose in Anchorage, Alaska, according to a story, accompanied by a photograph, which appeared in the April 10 issue of USA TODAY. Or maybe it was a photograph accompanied...