Union County Country Club

A golf tournament benefiting the Brian S. Tucker Memorial Golf Scholarship Fund is scheduled Saturday, July 23, at the Union County Country Club in Anna. For more information about the tournament, contact Brandon Bierstedt at the Union County Country Club at 833-7912. Flyers regarding the...
The Terry Bartruff fundraising golf scramble is scheduled Friday at the Union County Country Club in Anna. A shotgun start is scheduled for 1 p.m.
A men’s golf scramble was played June 29 at the Union County Country Club in Anna. Results from the scramble follow: First: Gene Adams, Davin Hannuksela, Joe Mason, Jason Stegle. Second: Earl Hampton, Jim Harris, Blake Wiggs, Ricky Williams. Third: Jordan Chamness, Al Hardin, Tom Huffman, Adam...
Dale Prater and Sydney Ray, recent graduates of Anna-Jonesboro Community High School and members of the A-J golf team, are recipients of the Brian S. Tucker Memorial Golf Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 each.  Dale Prater is the son of Jim Prater and Missy Teska of Anna. Sydney Ray is the...
Campers and coaches watch to see if the ball will roll into the hole. The golfers were competing in a golf scramble on June 20, the final day of a junior golf program at the Union County Country Club in Anna. Photo and story by Amber Skelton.
The Union County Country Club in Anna hosted a junior golf clinic June 14-20. The clinic finished with a golf scramble on Monday, June 20. The young golfers were instructed in golf etiquette, course management and the rules of the game. Professional Golfers' Association professional Brandon...
A men’s golf scramble was played June 8 at the Union County Country Club in Anna. Results from the scramble follow: First: Ron Hubbs, Joe Mason, Doug Schluter, Dan Smith. Second: Mike Fitzgerald, Eric Hoffman, Richard Parks, Dickie Reynolds. Third: Ryan Dodd, Jim Harris, Craig Partridge, Jason...


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