Brian S. Tucker Golf Scholarships awarded to local high school graduates

Dale Prater and Sydney Ray, recent graduates of Anna-Jonesboro Community High School and members of the A-J golf team, are recipients of the Brian S. Tucker Memorial Golf Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 each. 

Dale Prater is the son of Jim Prater and Missy Teska of Anna. Sydney Ray is the daughter of Jeff and Courtney Ray of Anna.

The Brian S. Tucker Memorial Golf Scholarship Fund was established to support students who have demonstrated a commitment to completing their education and is intended to help reach their education goals by helping with education related costs. 

Dale Prater plans to attend the Golf Academy of America in Apopka, Fla., and Sydney Ray plans to attend Shawnee Community College.

A golf tournament benefiting the Brian S. Tucker Memorial Golf Scholarship Fund is scheduled Saturday, July 23, at the Union County Country Club in Anna. 

For more information about the tournament, contact Brandon Bierstedt at the Union County Country Club at 833-7912. 

Flyers regarding the tournament can be picked up at the Union County Country Club at any time.

The Brian S. Tucker Memorial Golf Scholarship Fund has been made possible by donations and contributions from various individuals and entities. 

For more information regarding the scholarship fund, contact Cindy Tucker at 833-5757.

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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