Texas drum, bugle corps makes stop at Union County school
The Guardians, a drum and bugle corps from Houston, Texas, stopped in Anna Tuesday and Wednesday, July 25-26.
The Guardians, a drum and bugle corps from Houston, Texas, stopped in Anna Tuesday and Wednesday, July 25-26.
The Union County Museum in Cobden plans to have extended hours during the Cobden Peach Festival.
A Union County tradition is right around the corner.
While thousands of people from across the country responded to the emergency request for blood and platelet donations issued by the American Red Cross in early July, a critical blood sho
Cobden was edged by Salem 4-3 for its second loss in the double elimination 5th Division junior baseball tournament at Pinckneyville Saturday, July 22.
Illinois 4-H is inviting the public to a front row seat for the historic total solar eclipse in August in Southern Illinois, where the sun’s path creates the longest duration of darkness
Cross country is set to return this fall at Anna-Jonesboro Community High School.
Jonesboro Public Library hosted a story hour on Tuesday, July 18. Caroline Hansen read “Olivia Forms a Band” and other books to children who attended the story hour program.
Union County Hospital welcomed Dr. Suzanne Clarke as a new primary care provider to the Convenient Care Clinic in Anna on Thursday, July 20, with a reception in her honor.
A few casual observations before we get started on the good stuff...
...last week, it was so hot that I saw a chicken basting itself...
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