Union County

A ribbon cutting was held to formally open a Southern Illinois Youth Entrepreneur Trade Show, which was held Tuesday evening, April 25, at the Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Young entrepreneurs from Union, Jackson, Perry and Williamson counties were featured in the trade show.
A ribbon cutting was held to formally open a Southern Illinois Youth Entrepreneur Trade Show, which was held Tuesday evening, April 25, at the Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Young entrepreneurs from Union, Jackson, Perry and Williamson counties...
The Anna City Council again has said no to a proposal to amend the city’s liquor ordinance to allow for the possible sale of beer and wine at the Union County Fair. The issue was once again addressed at a regular meeting of the city council which was held Tuesday evening, May 2. The meeting was at...
Snack bar? I'm guessing, and it truly is a guess, that these birds found a watery snack bar on the Refuge Drive. The feathered critters didn't seem the least bit concerned about having their picture taken.
This week, you get two thousand words, more or less. Clean and simple. Well, only if you happen to believe that a picture is worth a thousand words. As you may have heard, we've been having another one of our once every 500 years or so floods. I think this year's flood event would the second once...
High school graduation and 8th grade promotion celebrations are planned at public schools in Union County.  The schedule for the ceremonies includes: Anna Community Consolidated District No. 37 8th grade promotion: Thursday, May 18, at 7:30 p.m. Anna-Jonesboro Community High School No. 81 High...
One of the persons injured in a traffic accident Wednesday afternoon, May 3, was air-lifted by helicopter from the scene.
Three persons sustained fatal injuries in a traffic accident which happened early Wednesday afternoon, May 3, in Union County. Illinois State Police District 22 at Ullin reported that the accident occurred at approximately 1:07 p.m. at 2375 Shiloh Rd. in a rural area east of Cobden. Multiple...
Volunteers worked last Saturday on a sand boil along the Mississippi River levee west of Wolf Lake. The sand boil was on the east side of the levee, between the river and the Union County community. The work done at the site was seen as a more permanent solution to a recurring problem.
A voluntary evacuation order for all of the areas of Union County which were affected by the recent threat of flooding conditions was lifted Monday afternoon, May 8. The order was lifted at 4 p.m. Monday in a statement issued by Union County Sheriff Scott Harvel and Union County Board of...
Residents of the Elmwood and McBride public housing complexes in Cairo are being forced to move because the deteriorating buildings they lived in were deemed unlivable and beyond repair. The Cairo Citizen newspaper reported that U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD, officials said...
Area residents once again face the impact of major flooding. Rivers rose to flood levels after very heavy rain fell in the region. Flood warnings were in effect late last week for rivers throughout the region. Heavy rain was falling in Union County Thursday morning, when this issue of Monday’s Pub...
Historian and author Darrel Dexter, standing, shared some stories about the Union County area’s history during a presentation held last Sunday afternoon at Stinson Memorial Library in Anna.
A new edition of a book about Union County history was featured during a presentation held last Sunday afternoon at Stinson Memorial Library in Anna. Local historian and author Darrel Dexter has written a new edition of the book titled “Pioneer Sketches of Union County, Illinois.” The PAST...
Students from Union County were among those receiving honors in an annual young writer’s competition sponsored by Shawnee Community College near Ullin. The competition is designed to encourage local high school students to submit their own works of non-fiction, short fiction and poetry. Winners in...


The Gazette-Democrat

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Anna, Illinois 62906
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