Coffman’s Martial Arts students promoted to rank of black belt
A group of six students are the first at Coffman’s Martial Arts Academy in Anna to be promoted to black belts.
Those earning the special achievement include Cooper Johnson, Wes Johnson, Andrew Inman, Dillon Greer, Jacob Cross and Heather Coffman. Coffman is the owner and operator of the academy.
“This group of students trained for almost a year to receive their rank,” Coffman explained.
She said the training involved knowing and executing nine forms and 40 self-defense combinations.
During nightly training, they performed 300 push-ups, 500 sit-ups, splits and straddles among other tasks.
During promotion, the students broke 1-inch boards with each hand and by using multiple speed kicks.
They also had to memorize and perform a 25 move speed/power combination that they had never seen before.
“From beginning to now, these students have worked for five years, earning the right to wear their black belt,” Coffman said.
“A black belt is someone who wears their belt around their heart and not their waist,” Coffman explained.
“They have integrity, honor and perseverance. A black belt is someone who helps others achieve their goals. They are among the 1 percent who start the training, that have the drive and will to be able to call themselves ‘black belts’.”