This week, let's start with some words of wisdom...
...what once was lost, now is found...
...third time's a charm..., and ye shall find...
...and a thought or two from your intrepid scribe in response to the thoughts, including an explanation for the big ol' map you see this week...
WARNING: If you are squeamish about eating dead things, other than hamburger, Please DO NOT Read This. If you are a member, or supporter, of PETA, Please DO NOT Read This.
A fellow traveler on The Journey Through Life passed through The Paragraph Factory one morning last week and mentioned...
The Other Half has returned from a journey to the Bluegrass State, and that was very, very good news. Especially for our kitties.
Don't get me wrong. Yours truly was glad, as in very glad, to see her return home. Taking care of home, sweet, home all by one's self is, well, hard work. Then again, I...
This week, you get two thousand words, more or less. Clean and simple. Well, only if you happen to believe that a picture is worth a thousand words.
As you may have heard, we've been having another one of our once every 500 years or so floods. I think this year's flood event would the second once...
First up this week: We had a Chuck spotting one day during the past week or so. You may recall, or you may not, from a previous colyum that we mentioned our buddy Chuck.
Chuck is a woodchuck, or groundhog. Yours truly had spotted Chuck a number of times, but hadn't seen him in a while. Then, during...
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, especially when it's Monday morning, a deadline is fast approaching, and a famous dead poet has not stepped up to write this column, mainly, of course, 'cause he's still dead.
That's why you get to see a whole bunch o' pictures this week.
When it comes to the...
So, I'm going through the Monday morning routine, getting ready to start another week at The Paragraph Factory.
I glance out the back door. Much to my surprise, I spot the back of a furry brown head, streaked with a fair amount of gray (hmmmm...just like mine), which belongs to a critter taking a...
This week...a few random observations, thoughts and meanderings...
...all of you folks who have started mowing your lawns just need to stop doing that...RIGHT are making the rest of us look bad...
...perhaps you heard about this one...seems that regular folks will have an opportunity to...
"I still haven't found what I'm looking for..."
...the song of the same name, I think, by the aging rock music group U2 seemed appropriate as I headed home last Sunday afternoon after another forest bathing experience.
By the way, Bono, the guy in charge of U2, should know better than to end the...
One of the biggest days of the year is fast approaching. Without an onslaught of TV commercials, special preparations in stores or even choirs practicing their favorite music of the season.
We're talking about the imminent arrival of April 1th, which, if my calendar is correct, once again is going...