
This would probably be my favorite pic of all. I don’t usually run into talking squirrels while I’m out and about. This bushy-tail was munching on an apple while hanging out on a utility wire of some sort. The critter asked if wanted a bite. (In case you are wondering: No, I did not consume some of the mushrooms. Yes, I have spent way too much time in the summer heat and humidity.)
This week, we’re treating you to a veritable potpourri of pictures, a plethora of photographs, some incredible images...oops, getting a bit carried away... What you see this week would be some of the things the photographer has spotted while wandering here and there in the summer heat and humidity...
Dragonflies probably don’t have to worry much about dealing with a bureaucracy. Spending a little bit of time in their world offers at least a bit of a break from the tumult of the “real world.”
After a couple of rather frustrating, but not totally expected, experiences involving a major bureaucracy, a brisk walk in the company of trees, flowers, birds, dragonflies and fish seemed like a good thing to do. Without going into all of the gruesome details, let me just say that bureaucracies...
Birds on a wire...a dove and a robin did a little bit of a do-si-do on a utility wire on a summer evening last week...
This week...we bring you a sequel: “Stupid Is, As Stupid Does – Episode 2: The Return of the Pain...” ...and, if we get around to it, you’ll get a bit of an explanation about the photographs of the birds. You may, or may not, recall that a couple of weeks ago, your writer, for reasons unknown,...
Sometimes, there’s nothing better to do on a hot summer day than to take a cat nap, especially if you happen to be a cat.
Goodness...how is this possible? Here we are, on the 25th day of July...2019 keeps moving along at a much faster pace than necessary... A week from today, August will make what most likely will be pretty much of an unheralded arrival. For those of us here at The Paragraph Factory, August brings the...
Hopeful vulture? Looked out of our kitchen window Sunday evening after doing something really stupid and saw this...not really...
“Stupid is as stupid does.” And a box of chocolates wouldn’t have helped much. The chocolates just would have melted. As you may know, “Stupid is as stupid does” were words uttered by a fellow named Forrest Gump. Mr. Gump, as you also may know, was featured in a film of the same name. Tom Hanks,...
Isn't it cute? A skunk paid a visit to our little corner of the world a few years ago. Truth be told, they are kind of cute... This, by the way, is what we refer to as a "file photo." The photographer would like to think that he has more "old-fashioned" common sense than to go out in the dark looking for a skunk...read on to find out what we're talking about...
Before we get to the good stuff this week, allow me to share a special moment of living in rural America which we experienced last Sunday evening... Yours truly was busy doing something important on the computer. Unexpectedly, a familiar, and unpleasant aroma, filtered through our humble abode....
As you might guess, the dangling tree limb really wasn’t supposed to be where it was...the tree limb apparently broke during last Friday’s stormy weather.
All of those in favor of a day or two without torrential downpours, hail, strong winds, thunder and lightning, raise your hand... ...with the seemingly apocalyptic weather we’ve been having lately in mind, let’s just figure that sometimes, life kind of goes where you don’t think it might go... Take...
A young fan who was attending a golf program at the Union County Country Club last week was wearing a St. Louis Blues jersey.
Back in the day...and we’re talking way, way, way back in the day...a goofy, geeky kid stood in the dark outside the old St. Louis Arena (may it rest in peace).  The kid was hoping to get some autographs of the players on his favorite professional hockey team. The kid spotted a car. A young woman...
Egrets (well, I think they are egrets) might be creatures which actually are enjoying all of the rain we’ve been having. They were looking for mid-afternoon snacks last Friday on a water-covered portion of the Refuge Road at the Union County State Fish and Wildlife Area near Ware.
Here we are again. Another flood of a lifetime. We’ll blame it on the devil. We’ll get back to Beelzebub in a few sentences. Before we focus on Old Scratch, a little bit about the photographs you get to see this week. These are just a few of the pics yours truly has taken during the past couple of...
Up close...and personal...with a Canada goose. The critter actually was quite cooperative for this photograph. Got close enough to see the whites in its eyes...well, if it had whites in its eyes...
Back in the day, sometime in the not-so-distant past, a sports writer for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote a column which sometimes delved into what I believe he called “random streams of consciousness.” The columnist might have called the little gems that he wrote something else, too. It was a...


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