A young fox did not seem to be bothered at all by a nosy photographer who kept taking his (her?) picture.

Yard sales...tools...and some other stuff, too...

Please read this. . .

Once again this week, we’ll offer a little bit of this, and a little bit of that...

...mainly ‘cause your writer was having trouble coming up with something exciting for this week...

...speaking of your writer (that would be me), he paid a very rare visit to a yard sale last Saturday morning...to be honest with you, I can count the number of yard sales I’ve visited on one hand...

...yours truly is not a yard sale person. The Other Half enjoys going to yard sales. She’s pretty good, no, make that real good, at finding bargains. Even though we seem to be at the point in our lives when we don’t need more stuff, she still manages to find one or two special things that actually have a useful function...

...well, I wandered over to the yard sale and managed to find a book, which would not fall into the category of things which have a useful function...unless you count them as insulation, which we do...

...I also found a movie (the DVD version), about books, and a CD featuring the sound track from one of my favorite movies...

...for the young folks who might actually read this, a DVD and a CD are ancient forms of technology which some of us who are of a certain age still find a use for in our lives...

...my visit to the yard sale came after I had finished a bit of a repair project which involved our front porch...

...our front porch is made of wood. Sometimes, the wood gets old and needs to be replaced...

...and such a project actually involves genuine tools. In this case, a hammer, a screwdriver and a saw. Each of those tools is made of metal. Several of the tools have sharp, pointy parts, which can, if not used properly, inflict pain...

...that is why your writer pretty much stays away from tools, especially tools which also involve electricity...

...well, somehow, I managed to get the project done, without hurting myself...and, even better, I did not hurt anybody or anything around me...

...enough about books and tools...

...’tis the season...spotted a “road kill” armadillo Monday along old U.S. Route 51 between Cobden and Anna...

...we’ll wrap up with a little bit of information about the pictures you get to see this week...

...as you know, yours truly likes to go on walks...

...the pictures of the foxes were taken one day last week, at a location which will remain, well, secret...just because...

The Gazette-Democrat

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Anna, Illinois 62906
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