This would probably be my favorite pic of all. I don’t usually run into talking squirrels while I’m out and about. This bushy-tail was munching on an apple while hanging out on a utility wire of some sort. The critter asked if wanted a bite. (In case you are wondering: No, I did not consume some of the mushrooms. Yes, I have spent way too much time in the summer heat and humidity.)Not sure why I find spider webs so fascinating, but I do.This pic shows the nest of the rare naked apple bird. The naked apple bird has evolved to look like a naked apple. Photographs of the naked apple bird are extremely rare. No, make that nonexistent. At least until now.A tiger swallowtail butterfly...brought to you by the letter “O.” The image was captured at the Anna City Pool.Rare mushrooms? Can’t tell you, ‘cause I don’t know my mushrooms very well, unless they come out of a can. These mushrooms, light brown and about the size of a dime, were seen only on a couple of mornings when there was lots of dew on the ground. Saw them in the the afternoon, they were gone.Saw what appeared to be white clovers while I was on a walk. The Other Half kind of burst my bubble, though. Said they are all over the place. Oh, well. So much for magic.

Too much summer heat, humidity

Please read this. . .

This week, we’re treating you to a veritable potpourri of pictures, a plethora of photographs, some incredible images...oops, getting a bit carried away...

What you see this week would be some of the things the photographer has spotted while wandering here and there in the summer heat and humidity over the last couple of weeks. Enjoy...

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Anna, Illinois 62906
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