Sometimes, inspiration flies overhead...
Sometimes, inspiration flies overhead, or falls from above...or, maybe, just happens to be seen in a tree...
Another weekly deadline was approaching, and yours truly was coming up empty when pondering what to write about for this week.
I’m thinking I was pretty much worn out from all the work which went into creating the paper’s first nature documentary, which appeared last week.
By the way, thank you to the person who shared some kind words about “light moments” which often appear in this space...and about the documentary by way of an email message. More to come? Can’t really say. Sometimes I don’t know about such things until they begin to unfold on the keyboard...
That’s kind of what’s happening this, just kind of roll with me, folks...
The Other Half and I had several discussions last weekend in the vein of “How can it be December already?” And, yet, it is December. At the time that this little gem was being composed, Christmas is three weeks way. Three weeks...
Fortunately, Mother Nature is helping us to get into the Christmas spirit by offering up some middle of the winter weather, and winter doesn’t even “officially” arrive until December 21.
The website for the National Weather Service in Paducah even had a headline on Monday which read: “Feels Like January.” There was a bit of a chance for snow on Tuesday, and talk of a winter storm making an appearance by this weekend. Makes you wonder what we’ll do when January gets here...
One good thing, though...on December 22, the amount of daylight we see will start getting longer again. I was about to say sunshine, instead of daylight, but it seems like sunshine has been a relatively rare commodity lately in our little corner of the world.
The days will continue to get longer, as we ease our way in the direction of spring...and then summer...probably ought to figure out what I want to do about a lawn mower for 2019.
Another good thing...The Other Half already is getting seeds she had ordered for next year’s garden. It won’t be much longer until she will have tiny little plants growing in our upstairs “greenhouse.” I can almost taste the fresh tomatoes...
UPDATE...The Other Half was sorting through her seeds during the noon hour on Monday...hope springs eternal...
As you can probably tell by now, yours truly is pretty much babbling. Oh, well...
Now, let’s get back to the first sentence in this week’s column...
...about that inspiration which happened to fly overhead...that explains the picture of geese which you see... ten Canada geese just happened to fly over Stinson Memorial Library in Anna last Sunday evening...
....and, about that inspiration which happened to fall from afternoon last week, while I was walking someplace where there were lots of trees, I happened to glance in the direction of a pine tree. I saw something drop from high in the tree...say, 30 or 40 feet up. I thought the falling object was a branch.
Nope. ‘twas a squirrel. The little critter dropped straight down to the ground. The squirrel landed silently, seemed to take a look around, and then wandered off to do whatever a squirrel does after it falls from high in a tree.
...and, one more, about that inspiration that just happens to be in a tree...which also involves a squirrel. The squirrel was spotted not far from where the other bushy-tail had taken an elevator ride, without the benefit of an elevator, from high in another tree. The second squirrel took a rather unusual pose on what was left of a branch on another tree.
So, there you have it, mindless rambling. We’ll just call them a few more “light moments...” Nowadays, I think all of us could use a light moment...or two...or three...or...
Stay warm.