Captured this stark image of a tree line one morning last week during a visit to the Lincoln Memorial Picnic Grounds in Jonesboro.

Everything is better with whipping cream on it...

Please read this...

This week, we’re having some leftovers...a little bit of this and a little bit of that...just kind of meandering...

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Still enjoying leftovers? Put whipping cream on them. No matter what they are. Turkey? Stuffing? Great with whipping cream. 

Can’t wait until Christmas now. The plan is to have meatloaf. We started a new tradition last year in the middle of a pandemic Christmas. (Our first pandemic Christmas, as it has turned out...) Meatloaf with whipping cream? Why not?

Went out for a walk on Thanksgiving Day...because that’s what I do...

In a word, it was cold. That’s all. 

Spent some time “shopping” on Black Friday...

10 minutes to be more precise. Went to the only place where I shop on Black Friday. Actually, The Other Half and yours truly went shopping together. Not much traffic to worry about, mainly because we walked to where we went shopping. Not much of a crowd. We pooled our resources and spent...well...some money...

And then walked back home to have some Thanksgiving leftovers. With whipping cream...

During the past week, we had Black Friday...followed by Cyber Monday...and Giving Tuesday. Wednesday was Hump Day, when folks did their camel shopping. We’re just going to call today Plain Old Thursday.

So, how can it be December already?

Guess that Rams’ fans loyalty and support while the team was in St. Louis is worth $790 million...

Suppose that’s one of the reasons this writer doesn’t pay much attention to pro football these days.

Saw an article that suggested the Thanksgiving turkey and Tyrannosaurus rex shared a common ancestor about 190 million years ago...

Couldn’t find a recipe on how to cook a T rex...

Would it take 190 million years to thaw a T rex for cooking on Thanksgiving Day?

Do you suppose a T rex would taste like chicken?

Watched a skating rink being set up last Friday afternoon for Anna’s big holiday celebration over the weekend. Turned out the rink involved “iceless” ice. I guess I sort of knew there was such a thing. Just seemed kind of odd.

I learned how to skate on “real” ice that generally involved frozen water on a pond. After I learned how to skate, I learned how to play ice hockey. That’s another story...

Last Sunday afternoon, The Other Half was able to spend some time in the November sunshine working in the greenhouse in our backyard. She’s already getting started on her garden for 2022.  She did mention that it was nice to work outside and not have to worry about any mosquitoes. (By the way, we had the last three tomatoes out of our garden for dinner Saturday evening. Not bad for the end of November.)  

While The Other Half was doing something about making sure we get to eat next year, yours truly motored to the Trail of Tears State Forest and did some wandering around, again, in a creek bed.

In the shady areas, it was still pretty cool. As a matter of fact, I saw ice on a few of the rocks which I turned over. Guess that shouldn’t be surprising, since it’s almost December, although you might not be able to tell it. The forecast was calling for sunshine and a high near 70 degrees today...followed by a return to reality with a “slight chance of rain or snow” by Sunday.

Looked outside Sunday evening...right around 5 o’clock...and it was dark. Ugh. Good thing is that in about 20 days, the days will start getting longer again...

Like I mentioned way back at the beginning of this little gem, we would be meandering...which we have done...and now we are done...time to see if there are still some leftovers in the refrigerator...and some whipping cream to go with them...


The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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