Christmas in July...tornadoes in the sky...
Bob and I were sitting on the porch swing last Sunday evening in the 94 percent humidity. The air we were attempting to breath was as thick as the proverbial pea soup. You really could see the air.
At the time, I was trying to figure out something at least vaguely interesting to write about for this week. The ongoing heat and humidity we’ve been experiencing seems to put a bit of a damper at times on creativity.
Anyway, I made one attempt at creating a column. Actually wrote the thing. A masterpiece, for sure. Showed it to Bob. He read it. Gave a great big cat yawn. Enuf said.
Time for Plan B...which has been the story in our lives for a while...
Let’s see...
The weather. That’s what we’ll write about this week. Everybody likes to talk about the weather. And the weather I experienced last Sunday night on the front porch got pretty exciting.
Like I mentioned, Bob and I were sitting on the porch swing last Sunday night, just pretty much watching the world go by. At one point, I happened to notice a firefly which was having a very bad was the main course for a spider’s Sunday dinner...
By the way, for whatever in might be worth, I ran across this tidbit of information from online: “In the United States, glowing insects are known as ‘fireflies’ or ‘lightning bugs’ depending on where you live. ‘Firefly’ is the more common term in the West and New England, while people in the South and most of the Midwest tend to say ‘lightning bug.’”
The weather on Sunday night eventually included lightning, thunder, lots and lots of rain and even a tornado warning.
As is often the case, when a tornado warning is issued, instead of seeking shelter, I go out on the front porch to watch. Sunday night, the worst of the weather appeared to be south of us.
And then the good stuff arrived...
After watching the sky during the tornado warning, I went back inside to get the latest information about the weather.
I was looking at the website for the National Weather Service office in Paducah when a clatter arose on the front porch.
My first thought was that some of our furry friends were paying another visit. We’ve had raccoons coming to the porch for the last month or so. During the past week, I’ve actually been joined by three young raccoons who were out enjoying the evening.
Well, it turned out the clatter was the sound of The Other Half’s house plants on the front porch being knocked over by gusty winds which blew in at about 10 o’clock Sunday night. With big time winds, lightning, thunder and rain coming down at a 45-degree angle, Mother Nature put on quite a show. I guess the worst of the weather didn’t actually go south of us. Our power even went out...came back on...went out...came back on...went out...came back on...and then finally just went out...for just a short time.
I suppose the good thing is that I finally had something to write about...maybe we’ll have something about the heat...again...for next time...
One last observation...shared by a fellow traveler on The Journey Through Life...guess we should be grateful it doesn’t snow in July... Just think about what it would be like to shovel snow when it’s 95 degrees...
Stay cool...and keep that snow shovel handy...