Up close...and personal...with a Canada goose. The critter actually was quite cooperative for this photograph. Got close enough to see the whites in its eyes...well, if it had whites in its eyes... Even though there’s not another election coming until 2020, this sure looked like a poling place. A pair of birds, finches perhaps, did a bit of a delicate balancing act on a metal pole.

50 years is a long time to wait...for anything

Please read this. . .

Back in the day, sometime in the not-so-distant past, a sports writer for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote a column which sometimes delved into what I believe he called “random streams of consciousness.”

The columnist might have called the little gems that he wrote something else, too. It was a long time ago, so to speak. The Rams were still in St. Louis. And we could actually buy a copy of the Post-Dispatch right here in Union County.

The Rams have since returned to LA-LA Land, and I don’t even know where to pick up a copy of the Post-Dispatch these days.

All that being said, allow me to take a dip in the refreshing waters of some random streams of consciousness...or, as we’ve referred to them in the past...a little bit of this...and a little bit of that...

...50 years is a long time to wait for anything. One must be extremely patient to wait that long for something. Fifty years. 18,250 days (without counting leap years...I’m too lazy to count leap years). 438,000 hours. 26,280,000 minutes. 

That’s about how long it took for the St. Louis Blues to win a game in National Hockey League’s Stanley Cup finals. 

If you double those numbers, you’ll see about how long it took for the Cubs to finally win a World Series. However, we are not here to write about the Cubs’ success...or what had been kind of a frustrating 2019 season for the Cardinals...at least until last weekend...when they swept the Cubs. 

Last week, the Blues finally won a game in the final round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Actually, it was a pretty big deal...no, make that a really, really big deal...that the Blues made it to the finals. Hadn’t been done since 1970, when yours truly was, well, younger.

By the time you read this, the Blues’ season may well have come to an end...or at least close to the end. They did have a real clunker of a game last Saturday. Then again...we can always hope for the best...

“Meanwhile,” as a certain late night television show host likes to say, one day last week, while once again wasting my time doing important “research” on the internet, I ran across an article with a headline which read: “Readers Still Prefer Physical Books.” 

The article, posted at www.forbes.com and written by Ellen Duffer, shared that: “Results from a new survey regarding reading habits are out and consumer preference still lies with physical books.”

The article highlighted a survey which involved about 2,000 U.S. respondents. The survey revealed that of those who responded, “most preferred the tactile experience of reading a printed  book...Research has indicated time and time again that readers prefer, or at least have more frequently engaged with, printed books.”

As a consumer of way too many books, simply because there are way too many books (and not enough time to read all of them), I am, indeed, one of those folks who prefers a “tactile experience” with a genuine printed book. I’ve tried reading electronic books. Just can’t seem to do it. Call me old-fashioned. 

And that brings me to yet another shameless plug. Summer is a good time to sit out on the porch...with a cold drink...and a good book...

With that in mind, make a note: the Friends of Stinson Library plan to have a summer book sale this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The sale will be at Stinson Memorial Library in Anna. (Friday’s sale is for members of the organization, which does so much to help Stinson Memorial Library. Membership is only five bucks...a bargain.) Once again, in the interest of full disclosure, yours truly is an honorary life member of the Friends.

One last thing for this week...happy anniversary to my sweetheart. The adventure continues...






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