Dr. Gemo Wong

Dr. Gemo Wong

At 84 years old and in the worst global pandemic, our dad chose to help his community, serve and heal, fight in the frontlines.  No one could convince him to retire, especially not when the community he loved needed him most. Ultimately, he died doing what he loved. Covid took an amazing man, husband, father, and grandfather.  

Married to his true love, Dialina Wong, on Nov. 21st, 1970. She was his sun, he was her air. They were made for each other. Soon after, Patrick, Kirk, Gemo Jr. and Christy were born and completed the Wong dynasty of Cairo, Ill.   

My dad was known as doctor to the community of Southern Illinois. He dedicated his life to serving and healing its people for almost 50 years. He worked to make sure he provided for his family, but primarily he worked because he knew that people needed him. He was selfless when it came to caring for others. His passion was truly providing...providing answers and providing hope to his patients. And although he was a very skilled physician, his greatest trait was his compassion. His compassion allowed him to connect with his patients in a lasting manner. This compassion is why every patient and co-worker are so affected by this loss. 

Despite many other job opportunities over the years, my dad never left Cairo. My dad and Cairo formed a special bond, he truly loved that community and its people. He faithfully served generations of its citizens  and took pride in doing so. They, in turn, loved him back as evident by the overwhelming outpouring of love and support. 

We lost a great man, husband, father, and grandfather.  He selflessly gave so much to his community and his family, finding strength and inspiration from the people around him. Being a parent now, I’m not sure I could ever accomplish what he did in two lifetimes.  

I’ve always said if there were more Gemo Wong’s in the world, it would be a better place.  But, I’ve come to realize there is no chance of that happening because he was unique, truly one-of-a-kind.  No other person can ever be what he meant to those that knew him.

If you would like to donate to a charity in honor of my dad, we’ve chosen: 

#FirstRespondersFirst- which provides essential supplies, support and resources to healthcare workers working the frontlines of this Covid pandemic.  


We’ve also chosen American Red Cross, who do so much for people around the world.  If you find time to donate blood, please do. For monetary donations-


Services for Dr. Gemo Wong will be private.

To view the full obituary or to leave an online condolence for the family, visit www.crainsonline.com.

Crain Funeral Home in Cairo is in charge of arrangements.

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158
Email: news@annanews.com

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