Youth wingshooting clinic, pheasant hunt scheduled

Young hunters between the ages of 10 and 17 can apply for the youth wingshooting clinic and Illinois youth pheasant hunt scheduled for Saturday, March 19, at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex, WSRC, in Randolph County. 

Young hunters will participate in a wingshooting clinic during the morning with instruction from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, IDNR, and National Sporting Clays Association certified wingshooting instructors. 

Young hunters will practice safe shotgun handling and operation while advancing their wingshooting skills during the clinic. 

Following the morning clinic and lunch, a pheasant hunt will take place during the afternoon. 

Young hunters must have successfully completed an approved hunter safety course and have a valid hunting license to participate. 

Cosponsors assist the IDNR and the World Shooting and Recreational Complex with the clinic and hunt by providing funding for the clay targets, target and field shot shells, and lunch for participants. 

Cosponsor organization members also provide bird dogs, bird dog handlers and hunting guides. 

The WSRC event cosponsors are Friends of the World Shooting and Recreational Complex, the National Wild Turkey Federation-Randolph County Cutters and Strutters Chapter and the Okaw Valley Beagle Club. 

Permits for the wingshooting clinic and youth pheasant hunt are available through the IDNR Controlled Pheasant Hunting online reservation system at 

Select “CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATIONS” and then select “Illinois Youth Pheasant Hunts” to apply. 

IDNR noted that hunters need to review “Illinois Youth Pheasant Hunt Information” and “Illinois Youth Pheasant Hunt Regulations” on the Controlled Pheasant Hunting website prior to applying. 

Participants in the clinic and hunt will be required to observe all guidance from the CDC and Illinois Department of Public Health at the time of the event regarding face coverings and social distancing.

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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