Union County CEO program accepting student applications for 2017-2018 class

The Union County CEO advisory board is accepting applications for the 2017-2018 class through Feb. 15.  

All Union County students who will be juniors or seniors next year are welcome to apply. 

Applications are available from each high school’s guidance counselor. Interested home-schooled students can obtain an application from CEO treasurer Mark Chamness at Whitney Accounting at 105 Transcraft Dr. in Anna. 

The current team has been involved in recruitment activities with all the high schools in the county. Here are a few reflections from last week’s student journals.  

Jessica Glasco: Going to Shawnee High School and giving a presentation to possible future CEO applicants was a great experience. I was ecstatic when I got to share my experiences that I’ve had with this great program! Seeing my team stand beside each other and come together really made me feel like we were a family.

Jessa Bond: We went to speak with juniors and sophomores at Cobden High School. Our whole team did really well speaking together in front of the group. It was awesome to talk with students about such an amazing opportunity for them. Several students seemed very interested in the program. I wish that we could help to show them how much this program will affect them for the better.

Erin Dillow: As we went through this week presenting to the schools, I couldn’t help but notice how much we have grown. Not just in our presentation skills, but on a personal level as well. We have begun to see our community in a different light, and I cannot help but notice how each and every one of us smile at the thought of our past visits, and how a fondness for our county has taken root in our team. I am proud of my team and what we have accomplished, and I cannot wait to see how we get through the next obstacle...our personal businesses!

The cover letter to the applications explains:

“The Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities (CEO) Advisory Board welcomes your application to participate in the 2017-2018 CEO Class. This class is not only for students looking for a career in business, but for any student wanting to know more about a variety of paths to a successful life, and about leadership, and economic development.

“In a blind selection process, we will be looking for exceptional candidates who show dependability and reliability through their school records; drive and initiative through their letters of recommendation; and through their personal narratives show their personalities, work styles, technical skills, and reasons why each applicant wishes to be a part of the CEO class.”

CEO is a year-long course designed to utilize partnerships that provide an overview of business development and processes. 

The local business community partners with area schools to create project-based experiences for students by providing funding, expertise, meeting spaces, business tours and one-on-one mentoring. 

Team members visit about 70 area businesses, learn from over 30 guest speakers, participate in a class business, write business plans, and start and operate their own businesses. 

Business concepts learned through the experiential CEO class are critical. The 21st century skills of inquiry, problem-solving, teamwork, self-motivation, responsibility, higher order thinking, as well as written, verbal and electronic communication are at the heart of student development throughout the course.

The two-credit “Entrepreneurship” class meets for one and a half hours each school day from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at a variety of businesses.  

For CEO 17, 3 hours of SIU credit was given to eligible students for $25 with an SIU CEO scholarship for the remainder.

For more information about the program, visit www.unioncountyceo.org or Facebook: Union County CEO.

The Gazette-Democrat

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