Tuesday, Nov. 8, is Election Day
Tuesday, Nov. 8, is Election Day – voters in Union County will help to elect a new president of the United States, a new U.S. senator, state and local officials, judges, and decide the fate of a proposed amendment to the Illinois Constitution.
Polling places in Union County’s 20 precincts are scheduled to be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day.
Union County Clerk Terry Bartruff said that he is expecting a good turnout for the election. Union County has nearly 13,000 registered voters.
Election of a new president of the United States, which is on the ballot in 2016, generally boosts voter turnouts, Bartruff said.
As of Friday, Bartruff said the county clerk’s office had recorded nearly 800 early voters. The county clerk said that he is anticipating up to, or possibly more than, 1,000 early voters. Early voting continues through Nov. 7.
Here’s a look at the offices and candidates on the general election ballot:
For President and Vice President
Democratic Party: Hillary Rodham Clinton for president, Timothy Michael Kaine for vice president.
Republican Party: Donald J. Trump for president, Michael R. Pence for vice president.
Green Party: Jill Stein for president, Ajamu Baraka for vice president.
Libertarian Party: Gary Johnson for president, Bill Weld for vice president.
For United States Senator
Democrat: Tammy Duckworth.
Republican: Mark Steven Kirk.
Libertarian: Kenton McMillen.
For Comptroller, to serve an unexpired two-year term
Democrat: Susana Mendoza.
Republican: Leslie Geissler Munger.
Green: Tim Curtin.
Libertarian: Claire Ball.
For Representative in Congress, 12th Congressional District
Democrat: Charles “C.J.” Baricevic.
Republican: Michael Bost.
Green: Paula Bradshaw.
For State Senator, 58th Legislative District
Democrat: Sheila Simon.
Republican: Paul Schimpf.
For State Senator, 59th Legislative District
Democrat: Gary Forby.
Republican: Dale Fowler.
For Representative in the General Assembly, 115th District
Democrat: Marsha Griffin.
Republican: Terri Bryant.
For Representative in the General Assembly, 118th District
Democrat: Brandon W. Phelps.
Republican: Jason V. Kasiar.
For Union County Circuit Clerk
Democrat: Tiffany Busy.
Republican: No candidate.
For Union County State’s Attorney
Democrat: Tyler R. Edmonds.
Republican: No candidate.
For Union County Coroner
Democrat: Phil Hileman.
Republican: No candidate.
For Union County Commissioner, Seat E, six-year term
Democrat: Dale Foster.
Republican: Stevie Guined.
For Union County Commissioner, Seat C, six-year term
Democrat: Cary Quick Jr.
Republican: Dale Russell.
For Judge of the Appellate Court, Fifth Judicial Circuit, to fill the vacancy of the Hon. Bruce D. Stewart
Democrat: Brad K. Bleyer.
Republican: John B. Barberis Jr.
For Judge of the Appellate Court, Fifth Judicial Circuit, to fill the vacancy of the Hon. James M. Wexstten
Democrat: Jo Beth Weber.
Republican: James R. “Randy” Moore.
Shall Each of the Persons Listed Be Retained in Office as Judge of the Circuit Court, First Judicial Circuit?
William G. Schwartz. Yes. No.
W. Charles Grace. Yes. No.
Constitution Ballot
Proposed Amendment to the 1970 Illinois Constitution
Explanation of the Amendment
The proposed amendment adds a new section to the Revenue Article of the Illinois Constitution. the proposed amendment provides that no moneys derived from taxes, fees, excises, or license taxes, relating to registration, titles, operation, or use of vehicles or public highways, roads, streets, bridges, mass transit, intercity passenger rail, ports, or airports, or motor fuels, including bond proceeds, shall be expended or other than costs of administering laws related to vehicles and transportation, costs for construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, and betterment of public highways, roads, streets, bridges, mass transit, intercity passenger rail, ports, airports, or other forms of transportation, and other statutory highway purposes, including the State or local share to match federal aid highway funds. You are asked to decide whether the proposed amendment should become part of the Illinois Constitution.
For the proposed addition of Section 11 to Article IX of the Illinois Constitution. Yes. No.