Real estate, mobile home delinquent tax sale planned
Union County, as trustee, has completed its tax deed proceedings on real estate properties that were delinquent for 2016 and mobile homes that were delinquent for 2017 and prior real estate taxes.
The county, as trustee, now will offer for sale the real estate and mobile homes obtained to the public.
The county will offer approximately 28 real estate items and 28 mobile home items through a sealed bid auction sale.
All sealed bids must be in the Union County treasurer’s office located in the Union County Courthouse, 309 W. Market St., Room 123, Jonesboro, Ill. 62952, no later than the close of business on Feb. 26.
The required minimum bid on real estate is $810, and on mobile homes is $900.
All items will be sold to the highest sealed bid received on or before Feb. 26.
Complete bidder’s packets and sale catalogs are available at the Union County treasurer’s office or online at
For more information, contact the auction sale department of the Union County tax agent’s office.
The telephone numbers are 800-248-2850 or 618-656-5744. The department also can be visited online at
Office hours are scheduled from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.