Pulaski County clerk shares voter survey info

Pulaski County Clerk Julie Hancock informs county residents that they may have recently received a mailing from the Voter Participation Center, VPA, in Chicago, to all residents in the State of Illinois that this organization believes are not registered to vote.

This mailing contains a letter from the VPA and a personalized voter registration form which includes the name and address of each applicable election authority for their reference.

Residents who may be receiving these mailings should know that they are not originating from the Pulaski County clerk’s office, but rather from an outside organization and there may be a possibility that some may be mailed to those who are already registered to vote, those who are underage to vote, those who have moved, as well as those who are deceased.

Hancock wants to let all Pulaski County residents who may receive this mailing know that her office will process all such voter registration forms properly completed and forwarded to her office.

They have been advised by the Illinois State Board of Elections that this is a legitimate company operating as a nongovernment, nonprofit and nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization.

If voters want to confirm their voter registration, contact the Pulaski County clerk’s office at 618-748- 9360 during business hours of Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

If anyone has any questions about this mailing, contact the VPA at its office at 27 N. Wacker Dr., No. 710, Chicago, Ill. 60606, or phone 877-255-6750. If anyone wants to be removed from VPA mailing lists, contact the center at: info@thevoterparticipationcenter.org.

The Gazette-Democrat

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Anna, Illinois 62906
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