Michel planning to give presentations about book

“Rule Number 1: Anything is Possible”

With those words, author and former Union County resident Don Michel opens his newly published book.

Michel’s book is titled “Getting to Know...Walter Cronkite, Buckminister Fuller, Michael DeBakey, MD, Arthur Godfrey, Ann Landers and the Officer Who Arrested Lee Harvey Oswald Through Interviews with Famous People By Don Michel of WRAJ Radio.”

Michel is the former owner of WRAJ  and WRAJ-FM radio in Anna for many years. 

The book notes during his career with WRAJ, Michel “landed interviews with some of the brightest stars in the world.” 

“Rule Number 1: Anything is Possible” is featured in the introduction to the book.

“It is possible to have success in interviewing outstanding people, whether you are in New York City, a World Capital, or in a little Midwestern town of 5,000 people,” Michel wrote.

Michel noted that in addition to the several well-known personalities listed in the title, many local personalities are also written about from the 20 years when he operated WRAJ.

Several pages are devoted to the rescue of St. Anne’s Church in Anna and there is the story of Bill Gulley, who began life in poverty in Wetaug and rose to become a military officer who served in The White House under four U.S. presidents.

Near the end of his book, Michel shares that he and his wife, Marian, “came to be aware of and depend on” scripture from the Old Testament’s Book of Proverbs. The scripture is Proverbs 3:5 – “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding...Acknowledging Him in all thy ways and He shall direct thy Path!”

“When I have followed that instruction, I have found many exciting developments,” Michel wrote.

Presentations Planned

Michel plans to be in Southern Illinois next week for two presentations about the new book.

One of the presentations is scheduled from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 14, at St. Anne’s Church in Anna. 

The church is located along South Main Street, not far from Stinson Memorial Library. Parking will be available at the library. Light refreshments will be served.

The second presentation is planned from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, June 15, at Bookworm in Carbondale. Bookworm is located at 618 E. Walnut St.

The Gazette-Democrat

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