Republican state senate candidate Paul Schimpf, left, talked with WIBH radio co-owner Moury Bass last week during a visit to the Union County Fair in Anna.

Illinois State Senate candidate makes campaign stop at fair

Retired U.S. Marine Corps lieutenant colonel and 58th State Senate candidate Paul Schimpf, a Republican from Waterloo, announced Reason Number 4 of his Six Reasons to Pick Paul in 2016 on Aug. 24 during a live interview with WIBH radio at the Union County Fair in Anna.

Schimpf is running against Democrat Sheila Simon of Carbondale. Simon served as lieutenant governor when Pat Quinn, a Democrat, was governor of Illinois.

Schimpf and Simon are seeking to fill a seat which has been held for many years by State Sen. Dave Luechtefeld, R-Okawville. Luechtefeld decided to not seek reelection this year.

Part of Union County is in the 58th District.

In a news release issued by his campaign, it was explained that “Reason 4 is that Schimpf supports the reforms necessary to move Illinois forward toward a revitalized economy with a responsive government and away from the failed policies of the Quinn-Simon administration. Namely, Schimpf supports adjustments to workers compensation, tort reform, and term limits.”

“Right now, Illinois has the seventh highest workers’ compensation costs in the country,” Schimpf stated. 

“Neighboring states like Indiana and Missouri, who have lower costs, are taking jobs away from Illinois.  

“Changes in the rules of causation will decrease workers’ compensation costs and encourage job creators to remain in Illinois.”

Schimpf said that Illinois “is home to one of the worst lawsuit climates in the nation, ranking 46 out of all 50 states.”  

“Common-sense tort reform to eliminate forum shopping will bring costs down and discourage frivolous lawsuits.”

Addressing the issue of term limits, Schimpf said that “we can’t truly move Illinois forward without addressing our dysfunctional political class.  I support term limits and believe they are an integral part of reforming our government that has failed the people of Illinois.”

“Illinois is home to over 12 million residents, is rich in natural resources, and a leader in agriculture and manufacturing,” the candidate continued.  

“It isn’t our state, but our state’s broken political system, that has created the mass exodus of residents and businesses.  

“Keeping the status quo or returning to the failed high-tax, big government policies of the Quinn-Simon administration are simply not viable options if we want a brighter future for the next generation.  

“That is why I am supporting policies that will make Illinois more competitive and her government more responsive.”

The Six Reasons to Pick Paul in 2016 program is being counted down from Number 6.

Number 6 focuses on the candidate’s support and advocacy for the Southern Illinois coal industry.

Reason Number 5 addresses the candidate’s pro-life stand.

Schimpf, a self-described “political junkie,” ran against Lisa Madigan in an unsuccessful bid to become the attorney general of the State of Illinois in 2014.

After that loss, Schimpf said he thought that his political career had come to an end. He remained frustrated about what he saw as a corrupt and dysfunctional system in Springfield.

Schimpf’s political career was reborn when Luechetfeld asked him to run for the state senate. Schimpf said he was proud and honored to be asked to run, and praised Luechtefeld’s service as a state senator.

Schimpf said that he brings a “proven track record of being able to work with people,” which he sees as a valuable resource to take to Springfield.

The candidate served his country for 24 years, including four years at the U.S. Naval Academy and 20 years in the Marine Corps.

The Gazette-Democrat

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