IDNR announces $958,096 in grant funding approved for wildlife habitat projects

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources, IDRN, recently announced the approval of $958,096 in grants for seven wildlife habitat projects.

The projects were approved through the Illinois Habitat Fund Special Wildlife Funds Grant Program.

The program provides for enhancing game and non-game wildlife habitat through projects developed by not-for-profit organizations and governmental entities.  

Funding for the Illinois Habitat Fund Special Wildlife Funds Grant Program comes from the sale of Habitat Stamps.

The Illinois Habitat Fund Advisory Committee approved $958,096 in funding for seven projects.

One of the projects is a plan by Pheasants Forever to hire three full-time positions for Farm Bill biologists.

The biologists will provide conservation technical assistance for the restoration of improved habitat on state owned and private lands totaling approximately 20,000 acres of habitat restoration. 

The position will help manage existing projects in Marion, Clay, Jefferson, Hamilton, White, Wayne, Richland, Lawrence, Edwards, Wabash, Perry, Washington, Randolph, Jackson, Franklin, Gallatin, and Hardin counties.

The position also will seek out additional projects with landowners and resource professionals within the project area. 

State Habitat funds totaling $102,096 were awarded, with the grantee providing $306,288 in matching funds.  

The Gazette-Democrat

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