Funding awarded to create permanent supportive housing

The Illinois Housing Development Authority, IHDA, Board of Directors  has approved $42,251,973 in funding to create or restore 172 units of permanent supportive housing in nine communities throughout the state.

The funds were awarded under Round VI of IHDA’s Permanent Supportive Housing, PSH, Development Program.

The funding will support the construction or preservation of affordable housing provided in tandem with individualized supportive services designed to help vulnerable households attain stable housing and use it as a platform for health, recovery, and personal growth. 

The developments will serve individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, households headed by persons living with a disability and residents who require supportive services to access and maintain stable housing.

Supportive housing combines permanent and accessible housing with supportive services appropriate to the needs and preferences of residents.

Those needs include case management, health services and referrals, and employment resources. 

IHDA’s PSH Development Program provides funding for the acquisition, new construction, redevelopment or adaptive re-use of supportive housing properties containing no more than 25 units, ensuring a balanced range of supportive housing options in diverse locations and neighborhoods are available to meet the individual housing and service needs and preferences of residents.

Financing for this PSH round was awarded from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund, the National Housing Trust Fund and the federal HOME Investment Partnerships Program. 

In addition, authority-administered rental assistance was committed under the Section 811 Rental Assistance Program and the Long Term Operating Support Program.

The Gazette-Democrat

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