On Saturday, Feb. 18, Marlene Rivero, standing, center, of Grand Chain, shared the story of Ann Stokes, who served as a nurse aboard the first U.S. hospital ship, the U.S.S. Red Rover. Rivero’s presentation was Saturday morning at the arts center. Stokes’ work as a nurse was a groundbreaking role, both for African-Americans and for women.Civil War reenactors with King’s Battery had a replica 10-pound Parrott rifle on display Saturday in front of the Anna Arts Center.

Civil War era comes to life in Union County

The Civil War era came to life during the past week in Union County.

The Shawnee Hills Arts Council/Anna Arts Center hosted a wide range of events during its 2017 Civil War Weekend. 

Activities began Wednesday night, Feb. 15, and continued through Sunday, Feb. 19.

Events included a play, exhibits, special talks and presentations, music and much more.

The PAST organization also hosted activities during the weekend.

The Gazette-Democrat

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