Care of local cemeteries addressed at board meeting

The care and upkeep of cemeteries was addressed at last week’s regular meeting of the Union County Board of Commissioners.

The meeting was Wednesday morning, Nov. 22, at the Union County Courthouse in Jonesboro.

More than 100 cemeteries can be found throughout the county. Many are situated in isolated rural areas.

Community member Ron Garner was in attendance at last week’s board meeting. Garner asked if there would be anything that the county could do to help maintain cemeteries.

Union County engineer Kevin Grammer explained that at one time, the county had a line item in the budget which allocated $12,000 a year for upkeep and maintenance of cemeteries. The funds were used to pay for equipment and salaries.

The highway department carried the program for about two to three years. Grammer said the program has not been funded for about the last four years, in light of tighter financial conditions.

Union County Treasurer Darren Bailey suggested that officials consider meeting with representatives of local churches to look into a way to help care for the cemeteries.

No formal action was taken about the matter at last week’s meeting.

The Gazette-Democrat

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