Anna Council votes down proposal related to outdoor alcohol consumption
Alcohol sales surfaced as a topic of discussion at an Anna City Council meeting.
The issue was addressed at a regular meeting of the council which was held Tuesday, July 5, at Anna City Hall in Anna.
The alcohol sale issue was related to requests which had been presented to the city by two local businesses: El Jalapeno and The Depot.
The matter also focused on no-smoking regulations which impact local businesses.
Mayor Steve Hartline said that he had met with representatives of the two businesses to talk about their concerns. The mayor also serves as the city's liquor commissioner.
The mayor explained that The Depot was looking at establishing an outside, enclosed area where customers could smoke. Drinks also could be served.
El Jalapeno previously had been granted a zoning permit by the city council for an outdoor eating area. Discussion at last week's council meeting was about whether alcohol could be served in the outdoor area.
In order to allow for the consumption of alcohol in such additions and outdoor areas, the city's liquor ordinance would need to be amended. The city council would need to approve such a proposal.
After initial discussion about the matter, the mayor sought comments from council members.
Council member Martha Ann Webb noted that when El Jalapeno had been granted its zoning permit, outside consumption of alcohol had not surfaced.
The mayor subsequently made a motion that would have given him the authority to work on amending the city's liquor ordinance to meet the requests of the two businesses.
The mayor said he did not want to pursue the matter further if his work was not supported by the council.
Council member Brandon Bierstedt seconded the mayor's motion. Bierstedt said he saw the proposal as a way to help support local businesses.
Council member David Isom said that he was not in support of increasing the availability of alcohol anywhere. "I'm not going to vote for this. I've got to vote my conscience," Isom said.
A roll call vote was taken on the mayor's motion, which fell by a 3-2 margin. The mayor and council member Bierstedt voted in favor of the motion. Council members Webb, Isom and Al Kamp voted no on the motion.
"I just wish you would consider the town...and the businesses," the mayor said following the vote.