2016 Cobden Peach Festival just around corner

The 2016 Cobden Peach Festival is just around the corner.

This year's festival is planned Friday and Saturday, Aug. 5-6. Most of the activities will be at the Cobden Community Park in Cobden.

The Peach Festival is an annual community celebration which is sponsored by the Cobden Lions Club.

The Village of Cobden's monthly newsletter for July featured several items about the 2016 Peach Festival.

Peach Festival Parade

A Peach Festival parade is planned Saturday, Aug. 6. Units will begin forming at 3:30 p.m. The parade is scheduled to step off at 4:30 p.m. The parade route traditionally has been through downtown Cobden.

The theme for the 2016 parade is "Summer Fun."

Color guards, bands, floats, scout units, church groups, children's units, performing units, neighborhood groups, families, class reunion groups, antique and custom vehicles, tractors and horse units are among those invited to participate in the parade.

Parade units will be judged and cash awards will be presented.

Entry forms for the parade are available at Cobden Village Hall and on the village's website at www.cobdenil.com. 

Entry forms also can be emailed. Information is available by sending an email to cobdenvillage@gmail.com.

Parade award sponsors also are welcomed. Information is available at village hall and on the website.

Peach Queen Pageant

Coronation of a 2016 Cobden Peach Festival queen will be one of the highlights of the event.

Contestants are being sought for the pageant. Participants must be 16 to 21 years of age and a resident of Union County. They must not have been married, had a marriage annulled or have had a child.

Scholarship money will be presented to the winners.

Information and pageant applications are available at Phases in downtown Cobden, or by contacting pageant director Debbie Stroehlein at 893-4917.

Peaches and Cream

During July, Cobden Women's Club members plan to contact community members for donations of cobblers for the Peach Festival.

The women's club also welcomes volunteers to work in the peaches and cream stand at the festival.

To learn how to help, contact Sue Brumleve at 893-2067.

The Cobden Women's Club is a local organization which supports community activities.

The Gazette-Democrat

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