
Union County farmers who attended the conference included, from left, Jeff Flamm  from Cobden; Mark Eddleman, president of the Union County Farm Bureau, from Dongola; and Paul Rich, director, Union County Farm Bureau, from Anna. Photo provided.
Members representing local county Farm Bureaus attended the Illinois Farm Bureau’s 2017 Governmental Affairs and Leadership Conference, which was March 1-2 in Springfield. The conference, with a theme of “Together Towards Tomorrow,” offered a variety of speakers and information encouraging farmers...
The recent observance of Independence Day took on a special significance for Dr. Carlos Vargas, the president of Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau. Vargas was among 14 persons who raised their right hand and became naturalized U.S. citizens during a ceremony held in conjunction...

The Gazette-Democrat

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Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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