The Giant City Stables will be open for business the weekend of the eclipse, August 19-21. The stables will be open for guided trail rides, pony rides and therapeutic rides. For more information regarding what the stables offer, please call 618-529-4110.
Giant City State Park is administered by the...
Ron Knupp of Anna’s horse, Whiskersonkittens, won the horse of the year for 3-year-old filly pacers recently at a ceremony held in Springfield.
The horse was named the 2016 Illinois Conceived and Fold, ICF, champion.
Union County resident Lance Meisenheimer has returned from the racking horse industry’s winter meeting in Huntsville, Ala., where the riders and horses are honored for high point awards for showing the past year at racking horse shows.
Meisenheimer Stables of Union County was very surprised to...