Rend Lake

The Cobden American Legion baseball team won twice in recent action. Cobden 8, Carrier Mills 6: Trailing 6-0 going into the 6th inning, host Cobden erupted for six runs on its way to the win Friday, June 16. Bayden Ditterline was 2-for-3 to lead Cobden at the plate. Zane Nance and Josh Burgess were...
The Cobden American Legion baseball team won twice in recent action. Cobden 8, Carrier Mills 6: Trailing 6-0 going into the 6th inning, host Cobden erupted for six runs on its way to the win Friday, June 16. Bayden Ditterline was 2-for-3 to lead Cobden at the plate. Zane Nance and Josh Burgess were...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Rend Lake is looking to repurpose live Christmas trees.  All donated trees will be bundled together to create underwater fish structures.  The Corps of Engineers notes that bundling the trees and weighting them down in the water will give them a variety of...
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources, IDNR, reports that it has terminated a lease agreement with Rend Lake Resort Inc. and intends to seek a new operator for the Rend Lake Resort and Conference Center, which is located on Rend Lake at Wayne Fitzgerrell State Recreation Area in Southern...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Rend Lake plan to host the Natural History Education Company of the Mid-south at the Rend Lake visitor center on Saturday, Sept. 3 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.  The program, “Animals of the Desert,” will feature creatures with abilities to thrive in harsh and hot...

The Gazette-Democrat

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