The Paragraph Factory

Pileated woodpecker? Ivory-billed woodpecker? Sorry, can't tell you for sure. I can tell you, for sure, that the bird was spotted recently at the Lincoln Memorial Picnic Grounds in Jonesboro. Sorry the picture isn't more better.
FAKE NEWS ALERT!!!!!! FAKE NEWS ALERT!! FAKE NEWS ALERT!!!!!!!! Just wanted you to know that while yours truly was out on a "beat" one day last week, some absolutely genuine FAKE NEWS was shared with at least three omnomynus sources.  Seems that a local landmark, which we will not identify...
The Trail of Tears State Forest on a recent cool spring night. We had motored to the state forest to share its beauty with a visitor from the east. This is one of the images that yours truly has had fun creating with the use of a nifty "solarize" tool in Photoshop.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, especially when it's Monday morning, a deadline is fast approaching, and a famous dead poet has not stepped up to write this column, mainly, of course, 'cause he's still dead. That's why you get to see a whole bunch o' pictures this week.  When it comes to the...

The Gazette-Democrat

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Anna, Illinois 62906
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