
Quite honestly, this has nothing to do with meteors falling from the sky in broad daylight. However, it does have to do with Latin, which is supposed to be a dead language, mainly because everybody who speaks it, at least on a regular basis, mortuus est.* The message was posted on a sign which stands on the grounds of the Anna fire and police station.
That figures. A potential harbinger of the apocalypse appears in the sky, right over our heads, AND I MISSED IT. Of course, maybe you did, too. A fellow traveler on the Journey Through Life paid a visit to my cubicle last Thursday afternoon and asked if I had seen the meteor. I am pretty sure that...
The sweltering heat and humidity of July seem like a distant memory. Or, maybe, a dream of what is yet to come. Whew. That's pretty deep, in a philosopher-wanna-be sort of way. July's heat and humidity came to mind last Friday morning as I was pondering how to fill this space. I glanced up at the...
This week, let's talk, again, about books. Books I've been reading. Books you've been reading. Actually, it might be a bit of a challenge to share what books you've been reading, since this is pretty much a one-way conversation.  That being said, if you have been reading something good, let me know...


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