Time for silliness, and Easter bunny, too, draw nigh...
April Fool's Day is nigh, the scribe thought, with a sigh,
time to come up with something silly, maybe even wry.
As last week showed, and a whole bunch of others, too,
sometimes being creative is more than yours truly can do.
While wandering through a parking lot one evening last week, a fellow traveler on the Journey Through Life paused to share a thought or two about your scribe's adventure which appeared in last week's publication.
The gentleman was very kind as he observed that yours truly might have had a bit of a struggle in coming up with last week's column.
He was right.
Boy, was he right.
After all of these years, it can occasionally be a bit of a challenge to write something that hasn't already been written.
Fortunately, special events continue to come along, like April Fool's Day, which is right around the corner. Oddly, April Fool's Day and Easter Sunday fall on the same day in 2018.
This unique coincidence made we wonder how many times April Fool's Day and Easter Sunday have fallen, and will fall, on the same day.
The last time such an occurrence occurred was, or maybe wasn't, in 1956. I do not remember 1956, mainly because I was, well, way too young to pay attention to such things.
Before 1956, April Fool's Day and Easter Sunday fell on the same day in 1934, 1888, 1877, 1866 and 1850. The next time the two events will fall on the same day will be in 2029, then again in 2040.
And, from what I learned on the internet, plans are afoot to combine April Fool's Day and Groundhog Day in the year 2525, if groundhogs are still alive. Since what I found was on the internet, it has to be true, unless it's something on Facebook.
I didn't' get a chance to talk with the Easter bunny about his plans for April 1. I'm guessing that Mr. Hippity Hoppity could have a big ol' time while headin' down the Bunny Trail this Sunday.
I'm kind of hoping that maybe, Mr. Bunny will bring some jalapeno Cadbury eggs, fish taco Peeps, venison jerky flavored jelly beans and a big chocolate bunny with the ears already bitten off for my Easter basket.
Speaking of Easter: the weather forecast for the upcoming holiday calls for a chance of brightly colored snow. Look for reds and greens and yellows and blues and maybe even burnt sienna. The forecast isn't surprising, since folks somewhere on the other side of the planet saw orange snow during the past week or so. Really. They did.
By the way, did you know that Ludwig van Beethoven wrote and composed a rarely performed April Fool's Day symphony?
The legendary and temperamental German composer put the final touches on his "Das Torichte Person Symphonie."
I was listening to the Beethoven symphony one day last week while planting a row of doughnut holes in the garden. The Other Half lets me have a few inches of space in her garden each year to plant exotic items.
While I was working in the garden, the Bluebird of Happiness made a stop and decided to offer some advice. He was quite friendly, and some of his advice actually helped with what I was doing. He also wanted to know if I had seen any headless gooses lately.
Enough silliness...for now. Hope you get to have some more silly times on April 1th. In the meantime, we'll close with one of my favorite April Fool's Day carols...
We wish you a happy Fool's Day...we wish you a happy Fool's Day...we wish you a happy Fool's Day...
...oh, never mind.