Shooting at newspaper

I really thought we were safe in the newspaper business.  

However, that all changed recently with the shooting at the newspaper office in Annapolis, Maryland, that told a different story.

Five journalists were gun downed by a deranged individual upset with the newspaper.

So, what is going on? Have people in the newspaper business now joined the list of schools, theaters, public and bar room shootings that have plagued this country for the last several years? I really hope we don’t go that direction.

Sure, I can understand someone being disgruntled with a different opinion on a certain newspaper article. But that’s part of the newspaper business in this country. It’s been that way since the first newspaper was published in the good old USA and will most likely be until the end of time.

Freedom of the press is what this country is all about.

But taking frustrations out with a weapon is above and beyond the sensible way to solve any misunderstanding. A friendly telephone call should suffice to clear the air if there was a little dissatisfaction with what came out in print.

No, reaching for a weapon when you’re dissatisfied with something you don’t agree with is not the way  to handle any situation unless you are on the deranged side.

Placing armed guards at the door of every newspaper in the country to prevent something like this from reoccurring is definitely not what we want to see in the future.

We can only hope and pray this was a one time isolated incident and will not repeat itself. 

We definitely do not need this to turn into an epidemic of newspaper shootings that will now plague this country. 

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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