This image could well represent the first time that your intrepid photographer consciously shot a picture of feet. Inches, I've done, but never feet. I don't think.Were these feet doing what feet are supposed to be doing when they are attached to people involved in a competitive walking event? I really could not tell you.

Please read this...Fine fotos of fleet feet afoot – a fantastic feat

Why, you may be asking yourself, are you looking at pictures of feet?

Quite honestly, there are probably a couple of answers to that question. Both of the answers have to do with how yours truly spent part of last Saturday.

For one thing, I don't think that I've ever specifically focused my thoughts on taking a picture of feet. "Focused my thoughts..." Focus, as in something that a photographer does. Funny. Hah, hah. Didn't think so.

In case you didn't know, Cobden's annual Peach Festival celebration was held last weekend. Among the activities held during the Peach Festival were a run and walk sponsored by the Cobden Runners'/Walkers' Club.

The festivities began at 7:30 a.m. As in 7:30 in the morning. 

As you may recall from reading this over the years, yours truly is, well, to put it mildly, not a morning person. Never have been. Never will be. It's just too late for that.

With that in mind, let's just say that having to be someplace at 7:30 on a Saturday morning was, well, a bit of a challenge. Adding to the challenge – actually having to operate a camera at that time of the day. Thank goodness for automatic focus.

Turned out the fellow who organized the run/walk said he was up even earlier. As in 4:30 in the morning. Does life actually happen at that hour? I could not tell you.

While waiting for the run/walk to start, I had a bit of a chat with another early riser. Somehow, we started talking about the way competitive walking events work. 

I can't recall all of the details (as I said, I do not function well at such an hour), but apparently if one is going to be a competitive walker, one must follow the rules for competitive walking. And those who engage in such competitions are, indeed, watched. Somebody on a bicycle was watching the walkers last Saturday. 

I think it all has to do with the walkers always have to keep one foot firmly planted on the ground as they walk. I guess one cannot hop, skip, jump or offer a performance of the Monty Python Ministry of Silly Walks sketch while engaged in such a competition. Again, I do not know, nor will I pretend to know.

I also do not know what happens when walkers don't walk the way they are supposed to walk. Are they forced to walk away from the walk?  

I do know that for a moment or two, early on a Saturday morning, I was watching people's feet. And taking a few fantastically fine feet fotos, too. It's probably a sad commentary on the life I live. 

One of the other events held during the Peach Festival was a parade. The parade, fortunately, did not take place in the morning. Thank goodness. The parade was a late afternoon event. 

Just in case you were wondering, there were lots and lots and lots of feet in the parade. Hundreds of feet. Perhaps thousands of them. 

The whole idea of the number of feet in the parade crossed my mind after I had talked to somebody last Saturday afternoon.

I was walking back home after the parade had ended, when a fellow traveler on the Journey Through Life asked if taking photographs at such events kindled a sense of deja vu.

Not really. I am always trying to find a new and different way to look at "repeat" events. Sometimes, the challenge is an easy one. Sometimes, not so easy. However, I did not specifically shoot any pictures of feet during the parade. Maybe next year.

The Gazette-Democrat

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