Plans underway for American Legion baseball to begin playing again

I’ve always enjoyed American Legion baseball.

My interest began when I was a very young child chasing foul balls at the Murphysboro City Park baseball diamond for the American Legion baseball team. 

My father, who was the head umpire in charge, made it all worth while and would give me 25 cents for each out of the park foul balls I retrieved. 

When my family moved to Anna in the early 1970s, I continued enjoyed watching American Legion baseball games at the Anna City Park, but not chasing foul balls.

But it didn’t last long and the program folded several years ago.

However, there  will once again be an American Legion baseball team in Anna next year.

I started working on getting the program rejuvenated a little late for this year, but next year it looks like there will be American Legion baseball at the Anna City Park once again.

I really didn’t realize what all was involved in kicking off the program. I attended an American Legion team meeting in February and the local coaches were all there filling up their schedules with game dates. I had no idea they would be doing that already.

I did find out that to get a program off the ground and running what’s needed are various fundraisers. Apparently, all the teams have these prior to the baseball season. The support from  the city’s American Legion program is also necessary as well.

And, Anna American Legion commander Homer Hawk and the rest of the organization have gotten on board and plan to sponsor the team for next year.

The new head coach of the Anna American Legion baseball team Aaron Roberts, who is also the head A-J baseball coach, has accepted the job of coaching the team. He already plans on getting fundraisers going for next year’s team.

I wish I would have talked to Dana Pearson earlier on what all was involved in getting an American Legion program off the ground with the raffles and fundraisers involved. 

He  is beginning his second season with the Cobden American Legion baseball program. He has a junior baseball team going for players under 18 years of age. However, plans for the Anna American Legion program will be for seniors, 18 years and older.

I know a lot of aspiring area baseball players would look forward to participating in summer programs. It also has a lot of potential in helping them work on a collegiate baseball scholarship.

This time, here’s hoping we can keep the interest growing in the program so that it will continue into the future.

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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