Trapper education course set
Area residents will have the opportunity to learn basic principles of safe trapping at an Illinois Department of Natural Resources trapper education course from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29, at Giant City State Park Visitor Center, located at 235 Giant City Road in Makanda.
State law required that all trappers under 18 years of age successfully complete the trapping education course before they can receive their first trapping license.
Participants completing the course will receive a trapper education certification card verifying that they have passed the course of instruction.
This will be an excellent opportunity for trappers who need the course in order to qualify for their trapping license.
This class will also be beneficial to beginning and advanced trappers even those over 18 years old.
The course includes instruction on equipment and trapping techniques, wildlife management, reporting requirements, trapper ethics, furbearer identification and current regulations.
The class is sponsored by Clear Creek Ecological Services.
For more information about the class, contact Dan Woolard at 618-697-6837.