Speeding enforcement results in more than 100 tickets
A speeding enforcement effort during July by the Union County Sheriff’s Office resulted in the issuing of more than 100 tickets.
“Over the past few years, we have seen an increase in careless and risky driving,” Union County Sheriff David Wilkins said in a news release.
“No matter how safe of a driver you think you may be, speeding is dangerous,” the sheriff continued.
“Speed limits aren’t a suggestion – they are the law.”
Stepped up patrols by the sheriff’s office during July led to the issuing of 95 day time speeding tickets and 21 night time speeding tickets.
Three stops were made during the day which involved motorists with a suspended or revoked drivers license. Two similar stops occurred during the night. Two other moving traffic citations also were issued.
“Drivers can expect a ticket from the Union County Sheriff’s Office if they are spotted speeding,” the sheriff stated.
“Stepped up patrols will be seen throughout Union County going forward,” he added.
The speeding enforcement effort was made possible by federal traffic safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.