Laymen’s breakfast set Monday in Anna

The 96th interdenominational laymen’s breakfast is planned Monday, Nov. 21, in Anna.

The breakfast is scheduled to begin at 7 a.m. at the Main Street Center. 

The center (the former Sunshine Inn building) is located across the street from the First Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

Laymen’s breakfasts are planned twice each year: on the Monday before Thanksgiving and on the Monday before Easter. 

Laymen from churches throughout Union County participate in the breakfasts.

The program for Monday’s breakfast follows:

Welcome and introductions: Dr. Steven Beatty, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Anna.

Hymn: led by Lane Rhodes.

Invocation: Rollie Hawk, First Christian Church, Anna.

Breakfast and fellowship.

Scripture: Wesley Wilkins, First Baptist Church, Cobden.

Prayer: Norman Bauer, Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church, Anna.

Music: led by Lane Rhodes.

Meditation: John Schneider, Christ Church of the Heartland, Cape Girardeau.

Hymn: led by Lane Rhodes.

Benediction: David Parks, Harvest Church, Anna.

The pianist for the program will be Greg Randles from the Methodist Church in Wolf Lake.

The men of the First Evangelical Presbyterian Church will prepare the breakfast.

From the Heart Flowers & Gifts will provide a floral centerpiece.

Programs for the laymen’s breakfasts are provided by The Gazette-Democrat.

Laymen’s breakfast committee members include Bobby Toler Jr., Jerry L. Reppert, Greg George, Don Denny, Larry Vaughn, Kenny Swink and Steve Etter.

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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