Foundation launches annual Together We Can soup drive

The Fowler Bonan Foundation has launched its second annual Together We Can soup drive.

The foundation is accepting canned good donations for senior centers and food pantries throughout Southern Illinois.

“Last year, we launched this donation initiative to help local organizations who were struggling due to the pandemic,” Fowler Bonan Foundation chairman Dale Fowler said in a news release. 

“The overwhelming success and demonstration of support from last year’s drive was an amazing blessing, and we were so thankful for the opportunity to help so many.”

Cans are being collected through March 15. Only canned goods will be accepted at drop-off locations. 

All donations will go toward food pantries and senior citizen centers throughout Southern Illinois.

The Fowler Bonan Foundation currently operates the Heaven’s Kitchen initiative in Marion and Harrisburg.

The program provides warm meals to those in need twice a week through its locations.

“We see firsthand through our Heaven’s Kitchen mission the need to provide resources to communities throughout Southern Illinois, and given the turnout from 2021, we decided to bring back the donation drive for a second year,” Fowler said.

In 2021, the Fowler Bonan Foundation partnered with sponsors and local organizations throughout the region to collect over 55,000 cans. 

The goal for 2022 is to match and exceed last year’s contributions.

“When you see such a small gesture make such a huge impact, we knew we had to bring it back,” said Fowler. “Any donation can make a difference and is appreciated.”

The Together We Can initiative is a community effort, with drop-off locations being added daily. 

Organizations or businesses which might want to host a drop-off location can reach out by email at

Those interested in donating can visit the Fowler Bonan Facebook page for locations, e-mail the foundation directly or drop off donations at 2 North Vine St. in Harrisburg.

The Gazette-Democrat

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