What happens when yours truly has too much time on his hands?
To tell you the truth, yours truly does not have too much time on his hands very often. However, last week, one thing kind of led to another, and pretty soon...well, you're about to read what happened...
First up, we had another Chuck...
Dr. Peggy Bradford is returning to her roots in Southern Illinois as the new president of Shawnee Community College.
The search for a new president took place after the retirement announcement of former SCC president, Tim Bellamy.
Bradford was raised in the small town of Pulaski and graduated from...
On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, setting the 13 colonies on the road to freedom as a sovereign nation.
This most American of holidays will be marked with typical festivities ranging from fireworks, parades and concerts to more casual family...
“Rule Number 1: Anything is Possible”
With those words, author and former Union County resident Don Michel opens his newly published book.
Michel’s book is titled “Getting to Know...Walter Cronkite, Buckminister Fuller, Michael DeBakey, MD, Arthur Godfrey, Ann Landers and the Officer Who Arrested...
Interviews are planned during the week of April 17 for the remaining two candidates for the president of Shawnee Community College.
The college reported in a news release that Peggy F. Jackson Bradford is scheduled to be interviewed on Monday, April 17.
Deborah A. Garrett is scheduled to be...
Union County Cadette Troop 8552 has two groups of girls who earned their Girl Scout Silver Award.
The Silver Award is the highest honor a Junior High Girl Scout can earn.
In early April, they were recognized and presented with their Silver awards at the Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois “All that...
Olivia Gordon, an Anna-Jonesboro Community High School graduate and life-long resident of Union County, is taking a huge step forward in her career.
She left on Oct. 9 to pursue her dream of being a stage performer, with Broadway being the ultimate goal.
She will be attending the American Musical...